Eyelash Growth in Fort Worth

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Fuller, Thicker, & Longer Eyelashes

Eyelashes support the eye both in appearance and protection. While you might not even notice it, your eyelashes protect your eyes from everyday dust, debris, and sweat that could irritate or damage your eyes.

Latisse is a solution for patients seeking fuller, thicker, and longer eyelashes. The growth of your eyelashes can be stinted by certain health conditions and genetics. If your eyelashes are shorter, your eyes could be at risk of developing conditions like blepharitis or styes.

Learn if Latisse is right for you and your eyelashes by visiting our practice.

How Does Latisse Work?

Latisse is a serum that’s applied to the upper lash line. After blinking a few times, the serum will naturally spread to the lower lash line. Before applying Latisse, ensure your face is washed and any makeup or contact lenses are removed.

When applying Latisse, it’s important to use care and precision, as it could potentially support hair growth in unwanted areas if spread improperly. For optimal results, it’s recommended that Latisse is applied each night.

Latisse is FDA-approved and declared safe for most people. However, certain conditions may make you a non-candidate for the treatment. These conditions include:

To limit the risk of side effects, we’ll ask about your preexisting health conditions to ensure they won’t interfere with the treatment. If you’re currently using Latisse and experiencing any side effects, please give us a call.

Common side effects of Latisse include:

  • Eye redness or itchiness
  • Dry eyes
  • Eyelid skin darkening

Is Latisse Right for You?

Discover Your Eyelash Potential

If you’re interested in increasing the length, thickness, and fullness of your eyelashes, Latisse is a great opportunity for you! Visit our practice to explore the benefits of Latisse today. 

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Our Address

  • 1700 Montgomery Street
  • Fort Worth, TX 76107

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Ocular Disease Management

Exclusive Frame Lines

Contact Lens Exams & Fittings

Dry Eye Treatment

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September 4, 2024
Dr. Matt Barber

Are Anti-Glare or Anti-Reflective Coatings Worth It?

Frames & Lenses

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September 4, 2024
Dr. Matt Barber

UV Protection vs. Polarized: What’s the Difference?

Frames & Lenses

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July 9, 2024
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When it comes to eyeglasses, the material makes a difference. Don’t settle for something cheap, flimsy, and easily damaged—instead, you should always go for something more reliable like acetate. […]

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A pair of bright pink glasses specifically an Etina Barcelona frame, resting on a glass floating shelf at CHROMA modern Eyewear Eyecare

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Dr. Barber at CHROMA in Fort Worth showing some glasses.

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